The fighting game franchise Tekken has been around since the 90s, and it continues to captivate its loyal fans to this day. Recently, Katsuhiro Harada, the Game Director of Tekken 8, announced that the upcoming installment would feature cross-play functionality for the first time in franchised history. This news was accompanied by a teaser trailer during Evo 2022, which further ramped up anticipation among fans.
Tekken 8 is set to include recognizable characters from previous games, such as Marshall Law, Kazuya, and Jun Kazama. The full list of playable characters hasn’t been revealed yet, but Bandai Namco has promised more details in the coming months. With crossplay confirmed for Tekken 8, gamers can look forward to playing their favorite fighter against opponents on different platforms – be it consoles or PCs – with ease and convenience.
Crossplay technology allows players across different gaming systems or platforms to play together seamlessly without any interruptions due to platform differences. It works by creating a virtual network where gamers can connect no matter what device they are using while allowing them access to all features available on each platform independently. For instance, if two players have different versions of a game, they can still enjoy playing together through crossplay while accessing specific features exclusive to only their version has access too; thus enhancing user experience significantly compared to before when one had limited access depending on his/her device compatibility with other players’ devices.
Cross-play also increases overall competition amongst users who might otherwise not be able to compete due to hardware limitations or geographical restrictions – introducing an entirely new level of challenges and rewards into online gaming sessions unlike ever before. As such, this newfound ability could potentially revolutionize how we experience games today, providing competitive gaming at its finest for everyone regardless of platform choice.
In conclusion, after much speculation, Bandai Namco's confirmation that Tekken 8 will feature cross-platform capabilities marks an exciting leap forward in terms of competitive online gaming. While details regarding availability remain scarce, hardcore fans may rest assured knowing that this beloved fighting game franchise is finally making its way into modern times with advanced functionality like never before seen in prior installments.
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